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We will be located in the middle of the ancestral Andes Mountains at 3000 mt. Experience Chilean nature; Lakes, ponds, waterfalls, pools of water, rivers, swamps, volcanoes, lava, snow fields, ice fields, lookouts; the silence of night under the amazing stars with activities including hiking, horseback riding, livestock chores, excursions and night bathing.


Our 10-days trip will start in San Rafael, a town and commune of the Talca Province in the Maule Region of Chile, where we are accompanied by the majestic Andes Mountains to our side; where we will be the first 3 days of our trip.


The fourth day we will begin the journey on horseback guided by Arrieros that will lead us to a place in the vastness, pristine wilderness and the heights of the Los Andes Mountains, to Hacienda Risco Bayo, near of Maule Lake.


Trip Information: Los Andes Mountains Chile 2016


“Every 13,000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything. Mother Earth’s Kundalini Energy emerges from its resting place in the planet’s core and moves like a snake across the surface of our world. This time, the Serpent of Light has moved to its new location high up in the Andes Mountains in Chile, the new home of the Earth’s Kundalini, the new Tibet’’.


Journey on horseback guided by Arrieros, spending time with horses will allow you to feel in your heart the meaning of companionship, achieving mutual trust and respect through language and love.


The Shamanic Journeys through sacred ceremonies as Active Meditation with Shamanic Drums, Rites of Rejuvenation, Sacred Geometry Labyrinth Consecration, Soul Healing Circle, will allow you to: Practise the physical coordination, establish the emotional stability and extend the coordination to the mental body, helping with this to the alignment of the bodies- physical, emotional and mental.

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