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About Us

We are a lovely family originally from Chile currently living in Australia, were we work and collaborate with a healing group called "SINTERGETICA": together we connect and expand the teachings and knowledge of love told by the ancients masters all over the world, to help to evolve the human conscience and unite us all to our goddess "MOTHER EARTH",  who has inspired us to come together in our beautiful land in Chile at Los Andes Mountains for a unique and magical journey to connect with your soul, body and Mother Earth. We invite you to come and experience the magic for yourself.


Spiritual and Personal Growth Journeys

“Leave your footprint on Earth”



Delve into nature, nurture your soul, experience wholeness and serve humanity.


♘  Journey on horseback guided by Arrieros


This trip is physically, spiritually, and mentally very challenging, and it is also a group trip, because of this, a personal interview is a necessary requirement to confirm participation.

“Every 13,000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything. Mother Earth’s Kundalini Energy emerges from its resting place in the planet’s core and moves like a snake across the surface of our world. This time, the Serpent of Light has moved to its new location high up in Los Andes Mountains in Chile, the new home of the Earth’s Kundalini, the new Tibet’’.


Journey on horseback guided by Arrieros, spending time with horses will allow you to feel in your heart the meaning of companionship, achieving mutual trust and respect through language and love.


The Shamanic Journeys through sacred ceremonies as Active Meditation with Shamanic Drums, Rites of Rejuvenation, Sacred Geometry Labyrinth Consecration, Soul Healing Circle, will allow you to: Practise the physical coordination, establish the emotional stability and extend the coordination to the mental body, helping with this to the alignment of the bodies- physical, emotional and mental.


Did you know that Los Andes is the planet’s longest mountain range and its second highest? Spanning the entire length of the Chile, its majestic mountains can be seen from almost anywhere in the country! 

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